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Conservatives tell Ford to stop screwing over schools because it's getting young organized

Doug Ford trying to respond to complaints from fellow Conservatives as others begin plotting his removal

Ontario Conservatives are angry at their leader Doug Ford after his proposed cuts to education caused large protests across Ontario, and especially at Queen's Park, attended by teachers, students, and families, the majority of them white. This has outraged Conservatives, since they like to think white families are their main supporters, and Ford's conservative values had alienated those supporters as well as gotten Ontario's youth organized and interested in politics too early for them to be converted to conservatism, thus increasing voter turn out against them in the future.
"He went too conservative too quickly," Assistant to the Deputy Assistant to Deputy Premier of Ontario Jolean Happablat told us, "Everyone was trying to tell him that. You have to ease people into it, especially with so many people remembering what [Mike] Harris and [Stephen] Harper did. That would have been the smart thing to do, but everyone can agree that Doug isn't smart. He dropped out of college before he could get kicked out for selling drugs, despite his father giving the college a couple million in 'donations', so yeah, he's not smart. I think the only reason he won the leadership was that the party wanted to take advantage of Ford Nation to win the provincial election. Those idiots are extremely loyal to other idiots, especially after Rob's m- er, death, so if Doug didn't win the leadership and pulled a Trump by going independent, the conservatives would have lost. And Doug probably would have done it too, since again, he's not smart."
"Now though, the Conservatives have the province, and they'll have it for a while, unless Doug keeps being himself and doing dumb shit like this. Everyone knows you make small cuts to education, widdle away at it gradually until most graduates are as smart as our average supporters. If you do big cuts, you do it to industries that don't immediately impact the majority of your voters, like Agriculture, Culture, Energy, Housing, [Indigonous] Affairs, Infrastructure, Forestry, Food Safety, Mining Inspections, Provincial Parks, Tourism, Transportation, the list goes on, and Education is way down the list. This is politics 101, because teachers are unionized, and that union is incredibly well organized and has a lot of experience dealing with all kinds of people. That's what happens when each of your members has to deal with not only more than 20 new people each year, but those people's parents, siblings and other relatives depending on the circumstance. Dealing with all those different people has forged the teacher's union through trial by fire."
"So Doug's fuddled things up, and now he's got the Conservatives divided, some who are all 'this is just the normal conservative way', and everyone else who is pissed for the attention it's getting. Conservatism doesn't do very well when people are watching it after all. That's how you get investigations into our actions. That's politics 102. And with so many Conservatives on edge with all the investigations other conservatives are under, like in the US and Alberta, they're paranoid that people will start looking into their past discretions. And you don't get to be a major player in the Conservative party without some discretions. Doug just doesn't care about most of his, since they're practically public knowledge. They're even a joke about it. 'Who do you get coke from in Etobicoke? Whichever of the Ford brothers isn't in jail today.' I think the fact that I, a member of the Conservatives can say that without fear of reprisal speaks volumes to its truth."
"And because of things like that, Doug's got a Conservative civil war brewing, and limited time to deal with it, since if he doesn't, [Andrew] Scheer will before it risks costing him votes this fall. It's going to be an interesting time on Queen's Park for the next couple of months at least. Doug has his work cut out for him, and I know some people are hoping it'll blow up in his face."
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