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Democrats introducing standards for Presidential Candidates

Image result for DNC
Hillary Clinton back before the DNC accidentally helped Trump win

Few people can argue that the 2016 US Election Candidacy Process was a mess for both the Republicans and the Democrats, as it caused the resignation of the Democratic National Committee Chairman Wasserman Schultz after emails of her and the committee's attempts to undermind Bernie Sanders' Presidential campaign, and the Republicans had so many candidates that they elected Donald Trump, who has single-handedly helped put more Republicans in jail than Richard Nixon.
Now with the Democrats having 20 candidates vying for the official nod, the DNC has decided to introduce standards for candidates in order to qualify. "We saw what happened with the Republicans in the last election when they had so many candidates," said DNC spokesperson Ron Peterson, "so when we got to over a dozen declared candidates we realized we had to do something to hold them to a higher standard or we risked a repetition of what happened last time to both parties. That's why we're announcing a list of potential future qualification that candidates must meet in order to for the DNC to include them in official debates and vote on their nomination. Currently, our only standards are that they file with us and meet minimum thresholds for support and fundraising. While these might have kept nominations lower in the past, the rise of social media has made clearing these much easier than it has ever been, so we felt a need to introduce qualifications that were more based on the content of their character. We probably won't be able to make these qualifications official in time for this nomination, but we feel that by announcing the intention and the list would help encourage the current candidates to try to fulfill the qualifications and hold themselves to higher standards. We also encourage other political organizations, even down to municipal levels, to see how many qualifications their candidates can meet."
The current list of suggested qualifications to meet include:
  • Have they ever not told significant and easily disprovable lies such as "The Earth is Flat", "Climate Change isn't real", or "You don't need to see my taxes"?
  • Are they respectful of journalists and don't favor one news organization with clear conflicts of interests and their own scandals?
  • Do they not flaunt their wealth, and if they have more than a million dollars, have pledged to give the majority of their wealth away to support the less fortunate?
  • Do they not pretend to have more wealth than they actually do?
  • Do they not regularly spend their weekends at private clubs and parties?
  • Do they not take all the credit for something that was part of a group effort?
  • Do they not take credit for things they haven't done?
  • Do they pass all mental fortitude tests, such as for dementia and Alzheimers?
  • Are they up to date on current events, both local, national and international?
  • Are they familiar with the locations and people they would be interacting with if elected?
  • Have they never sexually assaulted anyone?
  • Have they never bragged, joked, or made light about sexual assault, fascism, racism, sexism and/or bigotism?
  • Have they never expressed fascist, racist, sexist, and/or bigoted beliefs?
  • Have they never supported a fascist, racist, sexist and/or bigoted organization?
  • Have they never called fascists, racists, sexists and/or bigots "good people"?
  • Have they never been supported by a fascist, racist, sexist and/or bigoted organization?
  • Have they never performed fascist, racist, sexist and/or bigoted actions?
  • Have they spent time personally cleaning up the environment? How much time?
  • Have they spent time personally helping animals? How much time?
  • Have they spent time personally helping children? How much time?
  • Have they spent time personally helping the impoverished? How much time?
  • Have they spent time personally helping the imprisoned? How much time?
  • Have they never encouraged violence?
  • Have they encouraged the development of services that help citizens?
Are there any other qualifications potential presidential candidates, or even just potential politicians, should meet? Let us know below, or just send them to people who would try to hold those politicians accountable. You never know, you might get through like that.

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