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Trump calls current President the reason for all of America's problems

Image result for donald trump presidential
Trump during his first Presidential bid in 2000

In a surprising series of tweets last night, Donald Trump went on a tirade against the US President, seemingly forgetting that that is in fact him. The tweets started at 2:47 am and went on for a little over an hour, starting when Trump said that "All these problems Americans are dealing with are the President's fault. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be under all these investigations too! WHICH HUNT!"
"If the Present was a real American he wouldn't be targetting rich people like me, because I am the picture of rich people, BELEAVE IT! That's why I'm always under audit, because he's jealous of my richness!"
"Weive all these ILLEGALS coming accross our border because we have no wall, I keep saying we need wall, wall good, wall strong, tall wall no fall, but president listen to me, smartest, richest America? No! FAKE NEWS!"
"AMERICANS want a "good" president, not the "bad" president they have. You know what I mean by "bad" right! Everybody knows what I mean, Michael Jacson made it clear they're all "bad" so remember to call them "bad"."
"That;s why the REPUBLICANS are "good" people, because they're all "good" people, but the lying democrates, they'll let "bad" people in, like the bartender and the muslim, just because NANCY told them to, because they think "bad" people can vote, which is how they trickd AMERICA into letting a "bad" man be president, even though he didn't have the popular vote!"
It is unclear if Trump forgot that he is the current president, or if for some reason he thought Barack Obama was president again, but if we have any more developments we'll let our faithful readers know.

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