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Doug Ford Dedicates Public Drinking law to his Late Brother Rob

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Rob Ford laughing as his brother Doug makes fun of a cancer patient in 2014

Doug Ford has unveiled his budget for Ontario's next fiscal year, including plans for legislation that would be dedicated in memory of his late brother, Rob "The Crack Mayor" Ford. The dedication came as a surprise move to many, particularly since most laws dedicated to people are done so because that person was the victim of something people now want to prevent from happening again. This proposal, however, would give municipalities the decision of allowing public drinking in parks and outside sporting events. Public drinking was something Rob was known for, being under investigation for public drinking and urination outside a school at the time of his death/
"Rob's insobriety was the biggest part of who he was," Ontario Finance Minister Vic Fedeli said after revealing the budget, "so it's no surprise to me why Doug wants to create an environment where Ontarians could emulate Rob's drunken ways. Rob would be proud to have his name on this, and if he were alive he'd be using it to get as much free beer and crack as he could. That's brotherly love isn't, and now whenever someone sees someone drinking in public, they'll remember Rob Ford."
There are also rumors that since Doug has been claiming to be haunted by a ghost as we previously reported, that ghost is, in fact, his late brother Rob, and this proposed law is an attempt to appease his brother's spirit so that it might pass on. Doug has so far refused to comment on why he previously hired exorcists, and has so far not taken any questions from reporters, but we have our sources so we'll let our readers know if any spiritual sightings take place around Doug Ford.
If you've seen any public drunks who act like people can't see them, let us know! You never know when you've actually seen a ghost!

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