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Republicans start picking hills to die on after massive Trump inquiries revealed

After the U.S. House committees launched sweeping inquiries into Donald Trump and his associates, Republicans have begun fighting one another as they try to claim hills for their political carriers to die on.
While some Republicans managed to get an early start on this during the
Michael Cohen testimony last week and managing to earn some new nicknames, with notable stand outs including Jim "Bad Timing" Jordan, Paul "Knock-off Kinko's" Gosar, and Mark "Black Parader" Meadows, other Republicans have begun fighting one another over other possible hills to martyr their political careers over in an attempt to appease their base.

While none of them have managed to plant their flag into any one hill yet, rumors report that there has been much dispute over positions like "Frog Lover", a reference to White Supremacists co-opting the Pepe the Frog meme, "Nation Birther", a reference to the KKK's Birth of a Nation as well as Trump's racist Birther conspiracy, and "Red Republican", reportedly a reference to the Republican Party's subtle support of Vladimir Putin.