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Study finds politicians that don't listen to scientists also give in to children's tantrums

Image result for tantrum

A new preliminary study out of the US this week has revealed that politicians who voted with public opinion are extremely likely to give in to a child's temper tantrum when presented with one. The study selected a mix of federal and state level politicians, ranking them according to their "independent ideas" rating, based on factors like history of introducing new bills, number of scientific advisers on staff, and their voting history tracked closely with public opinions taken from google search results for their representative area, and with the aid of their staff put these politicians in a scenario alone with a child pretending to throw a temper tantrum. The children were actors instructed to act as temperamental as possible and demand all the ice cream, 3 large tubs of it, in a nearby freezer, while researchers and the child's parents watched.
While most politicians started by trying to find the child's parents without leaving the child alone, and a few attempted to ignore the child, but eventually all of the politicians interacted  with the child, and the researchers noted a direct correlation with their ranking and what they did. Those with "independent ideas" ratings in the bottom 20%, politicians who self identified as people who only did as their voters wanted, were 158% more likely that the next lowest 20% to give the child ice cream within 5 minutes of engaging the child, with the 23 lowest rated politicians completely caved to the child's demands and gave the child all 3 ice cream tubs. As the politician's rating increased,  the chances they would give the child ice cream decreased along with the amount of ice cream they would give the child, with the second highest 20% frequently managing to talk the child into accepting a spoonful of ice cream until their parents return and give the okay for the child to get more. The top 20% spent their interactions with the child talking to them and trying to help them calm down enough to have a discussion about why they wanted the ice cream, and how their parents would feel if they had ice cream with out them.
The researchers are still analyzing all of their data, but confirmed that "it was almost completely consistent between our ranking and how they handled [the child]. We're probably going to have to do some further studies after we're done compiling everything, but this research is very promising. I think we've got a lot to look forward here."
We'll update our readers when further studies are released.

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