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Democrat Presidential Candidate begin auditions for animal associates

Image result for dog auditions

Two dogs waiting to begin their audition
As the 2020 Presidential Campaign heats up, several candidates have already been using their family pets for photo ops, and after Elizabeth Warren got favorable press with her dog Bailey, those without pets have begun their own actual auditions for animal associates. Jason Sangelo, a candidate from California who is holding auditions, with points awarded for tricks and performance. "They've got to be able to walk the walk," Jason explained, "I'm going to need these four legged friends to wow the crowd as much as I do. So far dogs are doing better than the cats, since they can do the agility course faster thanks to their longer legs, but there have been some cats holding their own. I may have to get one of each, that would cover both dog people and cat people as well, so I'd get better polling numbers there, we'll have to see, I've still got a few more days of auditions to go through, including some more unusual animals. There's a lot of talent here in California, and I plan on finding the best talent to help me on the campaign trail!" Jason pledged.
We'll keep our readers updated on more animal stories as they become available.

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