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Trudeau supporters not angry, just disappointed he's just another politician

Image result for justin trudeau snc-lavalin

In the continuing wake of the ongoing SNC-Lavalin scandal, more and more Liberal supporters are expressing disappointing in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. "We though he would be better, but it turns out he's just another politician like all the Liberals and Conservatives before him," former Trudeau fan David Oyster told La Satire Canadienne. "We were so hopeful he'd be a better person, that he'd bring the office to a higher standard, especially after the mess that Stephen Harper caused. I mean he's still better than Harper, but the fact that he'd put such a frankly horrible company ahead of Canadian values... it's just really disappointing. I'm not even angry at him really, just disappointed he's wasted his potential and become just another politician. Maybe it's time to give the NDP the reigns," Oyster concluded before walking away sadly.
We'll continue to update our readers as we learn more.