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Republicans contemplating impeaching Trump to launch their presidential campaign

Image result for secret republican meeting

Several Republicans were reported having a meeting to discuss impeaching Donald Trump in an effort to boost their own chances of becoming the Republican presidential candidate. "It's not surprising," political analyst David Oyster commented, "given that Trump's been polling at his lowest yet, and the Democrats seem to be organizing themselves better this time, they're probably getting worried that if they let Trump continue as is they'll loose the election. Considering how the Mid-term Elections went, I can't blame them."
"Plus they have a lot to work with, given how, well deplorable Trump has been and his past actions are coming out to haunt him, they could easily jump on that and point out the contradictions in his actions. The question will be though, will there be an opportune time to flip on Donald? That's probably what this meeting was about, at what point do we toss him out. Because as much as the Republicans probably don't actually like Trump, they're probably afraid to split from the party line for fear of splitting the party. The Tea Party nearly did that, and they know that the Democrats are much more resistant to division within the party, so if the Republicans aren't united, there's a good chance the whole party will break apart. So they're probably just calculating the best time," Oyster concluded.
If we learn more about Republican secret meetings, we'll let our readers know.

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