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There's nothing to see with Trump's grades, literally

Image result for trump hidden grades

When the news that Trump had his grades buried was revealed, many called foul, saying if they were as respectable as Trump claimed, he would have nothing to hide. However, new information coming to light suggests that Trump's grades are nothing to look at, in the very literal sense, in that Trump's grades were 0 across the board. Trump's school, New York Military Academy, grades students on a decimal scale rather than a letter grade, and it is being reported that Trump failed every class without gaining a single point, and would in fact flaunt this fact to his fellow classmates and say that it didn't matter, since his Father's money would get him through school regardless, and would slack off in class when forced to attend. Classmates that have agreed to comment so long as they remain anonymous so they don't have to deal with far right extremists, report that Trump was still regularly mocked about his failing grades and general stupidity, both to his face and behind his back. They said that Trump, with his thin skin and big ego, usually "became a whining crybaby about it, saying we'd regret it and that his Father would make us pay, but given that he could never remember any of our names, we were never worried," one of the classmates commented.
All of the classmates we were able to talk to also commented that they were surprised that Trump managed to go so long without landing in jail, attributing that to how corrupt the legal system currently is and how it treats rich people differently. They were so confident that Trump would end up in jail that they in fact made a pool on when he would be convicted, but reportedly since most of them though it would happen early, there are reportedly only 2 people left in the pool.
We'll let our readers know more about Trump's failures as we learn more details.

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