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Ontario Conservatives trying to conceal identities when purchasing marijuana

With the legalization of marijuana continuing in Ontario, people have started seeing members of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario at various weed stores purchasing product while trying to conceal their identities. One Conservative, who agreed to talk to us on the condition we keep their identity a secret, commented that "Before the legalization, it was nearly impossible for us to get our hand on any marijuana. Dealers seemed to be able to spot us a mile away and refused to have anything to do with us. I'm pretty sure they all though be we undercover cops, or wearing a wire or something. We'd have to get a staffer to get some for us, and let me tell you, we need it. Do you know how stressful it is contradicting ourselves and willfully ignoring facts every day? It's sooo much easier to get high and not think about it. Some of us have even started coming to work high, it's so easy with edibles. But we can't let Doug find out though, he's not a fan of public drug consumption," he said before whispering "we think the legalization has been cutting into his side business."
David Oyster, proprietor of "We Weed Weed", stated that he's seen several Conservatives in his store since legalization. "They think we wouldn't recognize them cause we're just a bunch of stoners," David commented, "but I do. I like to memorize all the politicians and where they stand on legalization, mostly just trying to keep the mind sharp even when I'm high you know? So they aren't expecting me to recognize them, but I do." David confirmed several Conservative visitors by showing us security tapes of their visits. "I don't say anything them being Conservative, cause most of the time they're acting a bit jumpy and nervous, since it's usually their first time and all so it would probably just upset them, and we're a judgement free zone here ya know? So we just try to act natural and inviting, and hope for the best. Most of them are respectful, some of them aren't though, those ones are just so wound-up ya know? So we usually offer them a free sample, a small bit of brownie or cookie, usually the ones that don't have weed, but we don't tell them that, they're so inexperienced they can't tell and start talking about how it immediately started working, that's the placebo effect at work, or maybe the chocolate, either way it'll get them calmed down."
David has expressed interest in getting more Conservatives to visit his shop, considering them an untapped market, and that even Doug Ford looks like he could benefit from a visit.