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SNC-Lavalin pleased Trudeau taking most of the attention from their ongoing criminal prosecution

Officials at SNC-Lavalin have been reported as pleased that the ongoing allegations that Justin Trudeau and senior members of the Liberal party attempting to halt the criminal prosecution of SNC-Lavalin has distracted the public from SNC-Lavalin's criminal prosecution.

"He was going to have to do it one way or another," an SNC-Lavalin board member who wished to remain anonymous said, "and if he was stupid enough to go down in flames for it then we just hope the next PM will be smarter. That's cheaper for us at least since we don't have to start bribing new people, but if it has to be done it has to be done. But we're definitely going to be paying off people to talk more about Trudeau and ignore us, hopefully that'll make it so we can arrange a deal with the next PM before we have to actually deal with any fallout from our prosecution. We'll see how things go."