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Republicans upset their new Tough on Crime bill would close Minimum Security Prisons


Butner Federal Correctional Institution, a Minimum Security Prison in North Carolina, USA

Republicans are upset at one another after it was pointed out by Democrats that their latest proposed Tough on Crime bill would cause nearly every Federally funded Minimum Security Prison in the USA to be closed due not being tough enough on crime. The new bill was in part designed to introduce "minimum punishment requirements" for prisoners, including things like mandatory solitary confinement, and that prisons that are unable to meet these requirements will loose their federal funding. The majority of Minimum Security Prisons however do not have things like solitary confinement, thus making them immediately fail the new requirements.
"I'm surprised more Republicans weren't aware of things like this, seeing as how a lot of them have been ending up in jails like these lately," Democrat staffer David Oyster told us. Republican donors are particularly upset at the Republicans for this oversight, given how many of them currently are in or have family in Minimum Security Prisons.
Republicans have promised to fix the issue by including exclusions for Minimum Security Prisons currently populated by a majority of members of the Republican party. We'll release a list of these prisons when it becomes available.

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