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Donald Trump considers stopping wall construction after Mexican women call him attractive

Earlier today Donald Trump announced that, after receiving "many, many flattering complements from Mexican women" on Twitter, he was reconsidering the construction of his long maligned border wall. "I was getting all kinds of complements," Trump continued, "a lot of them had Spanish words in them, which I completely understood because I'm great at Spanish, but they said things like how I'm a 'grande polla', that means great politician, and how I'm Putin's 'puta', which means buddy, I'm happy to be Putin's buddy, it's important to have good relationships with other countries. One of them," he said getting out his phone, "one of them told me 'La mona aunque se vista de seda, mona se queda', which means if you dress in well it will impress people, that's why I always wear the suit and tie, gotta wear the suit and tie. One of them said my head looks like a lightbulb, because I'm very bright, very bright you know."
"A lot of them called me polla puta, cause I'm sure a great friend to politicians, I'm the best friend, I have so many politicians, nearly all of them, just lining up to be my friend, from all the countries, like Russia, and China, and Korea, both Koreas, so many, so many countries. They said some other things too that I like, I did, but Mike, he took one look at them and practically fainted, he's a light weight, a real light weight."
"But because these women have reached out and told me such beautiful, really, they were really beautiful complements, but thanks to them, I'm going to think about the border wall some more and what we can do to bring these people together to me, because these people, they want to meet me, they've said such nice things about me, and I want them to meet me, and we'll see where things go, you know?"
Trump said he was asking border patrol to help these women meet him, and would speak more about it when he met one of the women.