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Preacher asks God to strike him down if Trump is bad, gets electrocuted by microphone

Preacher Matt Powell before saying something stupid

A preacher in Peach Waters, South Carolina was electrocuted during a Monday Mass after proclaiming that if Trump was a bad person, may God strike him down. This has caused heavy debate in the community about whether this was in fact an act of God or not.
The indecent occurred at the 1st Church of Peach Waters during their regular Monday Morning Mass, a tradition in Peach Water since 1861, when preacher Matt Smith took to the podium to begin preaching about trusting your neighbor at their word and not asking too many questions, least you make yourself upset. Those in attendance believe that Smith's speech was motivated by the Mueller Report finally being finished but being blocked from release by Trump and his associates, and say that Smith seemed more agitated than he usually did. Smith then seemed to go off on a rambling tangent about Trump, saying that he wasn't really that bad, and that those who voted for him shouldn't have to worry about being judged for that choice when they face entry to heaven.
"He seemed really worried, and was more asking for confirmation than preaching" said Agnes Anderson, a regular to the church for over 50 years. "It was like he was worried about his own soul being judged, like he realized he'd ignored signs of a bad man trying to do bad things and still helped that man do bad thing, and that maybe it'll come back on him in the next life."
Smith then proceeded to preach that Trump wasn't that bad and his supporters wouldn't be negatively judged in the afterlife, and if he was wrong, then God would send a message and strike him down. It was at that point that Smith touched the church microphone he was speaking into and was electrocuted. "He convulsed something awful, like Satan was trying to leave his body," Agnes commented. Emergency services were quickly called and Smith was rushed to hospital, where he is reportedly in stable but serious condition, and has remained in a medically induced coma at the time of this writing.
The community of Peach Waters has since been divided as whether this was in fact an act of God or just bad wiring. Most citizens we were able to speak to are currently unwilling to settle on one side or the other, with some suggestion that it was God using the bad wiring to send a message, but it seems for most are still debating the event and considering it's meaning.
We'll keep our readers updated as we learn more, but what do you think? Was it an act of God, or something else? Leave a comment and express yourself!

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